If you take health and nutrition and physical performance seriously - or perhaps want to - check out this recent production currently streaming on Netflix, "The Game Changers". With big name producers behind it, and iconic athletes sharing their story, it is hard to not sit up and take notice. The message, which invites us to consider the impact of plant-based nutrition in the context of physical performance and lifestyle, is evidence based and relatable. If you are "game" this production offers to challenge your paradigm regarding nutrition and body performance.
I am a vegetarian of 16 years and in the last 18-months, eat a predominantly plant-based whole-food diet.
Important to this shift has been the need to educate myself to ensure my body performs in a reliable and healthy way.
Check out The Game Changes - and consider, "Perhaps there is another way..." and then explore a little further. If you are inspired to understand the plant-based path here are some great resources:
Karina Inkster, vegan strength trainer, has a fantastic podcast series called "No Bullshit Vegan". Evidence based with a broad range guests, and accessible to non-vegans. Her website also offers an extensive range of resources.
Nancy Montuori , is the "Ordinary Vegan". Nancy is a health and wellness advocate, and chef with a wide range of recipes and resources on her website
Aussies Jess & Dan are "The Reluctant Vegans". Follow their journey into a plant based lifestyle
The "Go Lean Vegan - The Revolutionary 30-day Diet Plan" by Christine Bailey is fantastic. Meal plans, recipes, shopping lists and a nutritionally balanced approach. This resource makes it easy! Im a creative cook and Christine has brought a great deal of inspiration to my kitchen.
This is just a start and there are plenty of quality, balanced and well informed resources out there. With an open mind, consider the possibilities and ask yourself, "What drives my choices when it comes to health?"